
christmas market

Christmas Market and New Course Dates!

It's been a busy few weeks lately, with the local Christmas market in Gnesta and a lot of other things going on. Being part of planing and organizing the whole thing sure is a lot of fun, but also very time consuming.

We had a total of 16 members, me included, from the Gnesta Art Association displaying and selling beautiful pieces. Everything from scultptures and painting, to etchings and wood figurines. And then an additional 32 stands with eveything you could think of. Candy, toys, clothes and everything you would an wouldn't expect to find at a Christma market. We estimated the amount of guests to around 7200 over the cours of the weekend, which is almost double from last year. This thing is really taking off. And that really feels great for us artists and like it's contributing to the whole community.

I feel like we've made a very inviting, warm and open platform where both artists, creative minds and customers can meet, and i hope you'll also feel tempted to visit us next year. It's really worth the trip!

christmas market

Another thing that's been going on lately is that I've finally have been able to make a schedule for all the courses that will be held during the spring of 2020. I've recieved a lot of emails from interested people during the last month about when the courses will start, it feels good to finally get to present it to you.

Picture from workshop

Pottery and Ceramics, Course for beginners - Learn the Basics

Per usual I'll be holding several classes for beginners where you get to learn the basics and lay the ground for a creative hobby with limits only set by your own time and imagination. The beginners course is split up to 5 different meetings with the 4 first of them being 5 hours each. Consisting of around 90 minutes of theory and information, and then followed by some hands on work. We'll go through all the basics and most of the common flaws and mistakes that a lot of people usually run into in their beginning of pottery making. After the fourth session all of the things we've made will be kilned to harden. And in the 5th session we'll meet up for 3 hours, to talk about our finnished pieces, what we've learned, and where to go from here if you want to learn more. You'll see the dates further down in this post. Don't wait to long, classes usually fill up in 4-5 weeks.

Pottery and Ceramics, Advanced course - Perfect your finishing touches and glazes.

Once or twice during the year I'm also arranging an advanced class for people who've gone throug either my course for beginners or have a some experience from somewhere else. When it comes to working with clay, the shaping isn't something that you can learn fully theoreticly, you must also put in the hours of hands on work and learn by doing. There is of course always room for tips and improvements, and we'll cover some of that. But most of the focus is on the finishing touches, to make your piece stand out and look it's best. Covering different techniques of galzing, printing and carving before we put it in the kiln. And we'll also go over 2 different kinds of kilns that'll give you very different end results. This course is distributed over 4 meetings of 4 hours each.

Courses and dates
Course # Month Dates
Course for beginners 1 February 8, 9, 15, 16, 22
Course for beginners 2 March 7, 8, 14, 15, 21
Course for beginners 3 April 4, 5, 18, 19, 25
Advaced course 1 May 9, 10, 16, 17

All booking is made through the contact form.

That's it for this time, and probably the last update for this year. Looking forward to the hollidays and to see what fun new experiences 2020 will bring. Happy hollidays and a happy new year to you all!

Posted on: 12.04.2019 - 15.29 (+1 CET)